(SPOKEN) LANGUAGE / (Gesprochene) Sprache
(Last changes Sept 23, 1997)
Two Web Sites with an extraordinary good collection of links in the realm of (spoken) language are the pages of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Amsterdam and the Natural Language Learning: WWW pages of related interest of the ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning, SIGNLL.

  1. ABE, Jun-ichi [1995], A cognitive science approach to the problem of dialogue: Roles of language information, speech information, and visual information in understanding of the dialogue partner, Dep. of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan

  2. ADRAENS, L.M.H. [1991], Ein Modell deutscher Intonation. Eine experimentell-phonetische Untersuchung nach den perzeptiv relevanten Grundfrequenzänderungen in vorgelesenem Text, Dissertation, Technische Universität Eindhoven.

  3. AHLRICHS, U [1996], Sprachgesteuerte Fovealisierung und Vergenz, Diplomarbeit, Lehrstuhl f. Mistererkennung (Informatik 5), Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Ehrlangen.

  4. AHLRICHS, U./ DENZLER, J./ KOMPE, R./ NIEMANN, H. [1996], Sprachgesteuerte Fovealisierung und Vergenz, MS Lehrstuhl f. Mistererkennung, Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg.

  5. AINSWORTH, W.A. [1976 ], Mechanisms of Speech Recognition, Pergamon Press, Oxfod - New York - Toronto et al.

  6. ALEF, Andreas [1993], Erfassung von Dokumenten aus Zeichen, Wörtern und Bildern durch morphologische und graphentheoretische Ansätze und unter Einsatz der Fuzzy-Logik, Diss., Fak. f. Elektrotechnik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

  7. ALEXANDERSON, Jan/ REITHINGER, Norbert/ MAIER, Elisabeth [1997], Insights into the Dialogue Processing of VERBMOBIL, Verbmobil Projekt, Report 191, DFKI GmbH

  8. J.ALLEN [1987], Natural Language Understanding, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park (AC) - Reading (MA) - Amsterdam.

  9. J.B.ALLEN [1994], How do Humans process and recognize speech?, in: IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, vol.2(4), pp567-577

  10. AUBANEL, Eric E./ OLDHAM, Keith B. [1985], Fourier Smoothing without the fast Fourier Transform, in: BYTE February, pp.207-218.

  11. BAILLY, G./ BENOIT, C (eds) [1992], Talking Machines, Theories, Models, and Designs, North-Holland, Amsterdam

  12. BARBOSA, Plinio/ BAILLY, Gérard [1994] Characterisation of rhytmic patterns for text-to-speech synthesis, in: Speech Communications, vol.15(1-2), pp.127-137

  13. BATLINER, Anton/ KIESSLING, Andreas/ KOMPE, Ralf/ MAST, M./ NOETH, Elmar [1996] All about Ms and Is, not to forget As, and a comparison between Bs and Ss and Ds. Towards a syntactic-prosodic labeling system for large spontaneous spech data bases, in: VERBmobil Memo 101, 1996

  14. BATLINER, Anton/ FELDHAUS, Anke/ GEISSLER, Stefan/ KIESSLING, Andres/ KISS, Tibor/ KOMPE, Ralf/ NOETH, Elmar [1996] Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories, MS FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung.

  15. BATLINER, Anton/KIESSLING, Andreas/ KOMPE, Ralf/ NOETH, Elmar [1996] Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories, in: Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, Philadelphia

  16. BATLINER, Anton/ KIESSLING, Andreas/ KOMPE, Ralf [1996] Tempo und Tempowechsel in Verbmobil-Dialogen, in: VERBmobil Memo 110, August 1996.

  17. BECKMANN, Mary E./ AYERS, Gayle M. [1994] Guidelines for ToBI transcription. Vers. 2, Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University

  18. BETH, T. [1984], Verfahren der schnellen Fourier-Transformation, Verlag B.G. Teubner

  19. BLOCK, H.U./ SCHACHTL, S. [1992], Trace & Unification Grammar, in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics, vol 1, pp. 87-93, Nates, July 1992.

  20. A.BONER[1992?], Spracherkennung mit Computer, AT Verlag/ vde-verlag, ?.

  21. BOS, Johan/ EGG, Markus/ SCHIEHLEN, Michael [1996], Definition of the Abstract Semantic Classes for the Verbmobil Forschungsprototyp, Verbmobil Projekt Reprot Nr. 165, Universität des Saarlandes/ IBM Heidelberg/ Universität Stuttgart

  22. BOURLARD, H./ DUPONT, S. [1996], ASR basd on independent processing and recombination of partial frequency bands, in: Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, Philadelphia, Oct. 1996

  23. BREIMAN, L [1984] Classification and Regression TreesWadsworth, Belmont (CA).

  24. BRINDÖPKE, Christel/ PAHDE, Arno [1997] Label- und Testumgebung für melodische Aspekte gesprochener Sprache [LaU Vers. 1.0]Universität Bielfeld - SFB 360, HTML

  25. CATER, John P. [1983], Electronically Speaking: Computer Speech Generation, Howard W. Sams and Co., Inc., Indianapolis (Indiana, USA)

  26. CHILDERS, D.G. [1995], Glottal source modeling for voice conversion, in: Speech Communication, vol.16(2), pp.127-138

  27. CONDAMINES, R. [1986], Acoustique Psycho-Physique,Verlag Masson, Paris et al.

  28. DEMPSTER, A.P./ LAIRD, N.M./ RUBIN, D.B. [1977], Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm, in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), vol. 39(1), pp.1-38

  29. DENES, Peter B./ PINSON, Elliot N. [1993], The Speech Chain. The Physics and Biology of Spoken Language Verlag: W.H. Freeman and Company, New York (NY).

  30. DUWE, Ingo/ KESSLER, Klaus/ STROHNER, Hans [1997], Resolving Ambigious Descriptions through Visual Information, in: STROHNER, Hans/ DUWE, Ingo (eds), Towards a Cognitive Model of Linguistic Reference, SFB 360, Universität Bielefeld, Reprot 97/1, pp.25-52

  31. FELDHAUS, Anke/ KISS, Tibor [1995] Kategoriale Etikettierung der Karlsruher Dialoge VERBMOBIL-Memo Nr. 94, IBM Deutschland Informationssysteme, Heidelberg

  32. K.FELLBAUM [1984], Sprachverarbeitung und Sprachübertragung, Verlag Springer, Berlin et al.

  33. K.FELLBAUM [1994], Prinzipien, Stand der Technik, sprecherabhängige Einzelworerkennung, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, März 1994, pp.86-90.

  34. FLANAGAN, James L. [1972, 2nd expanded ed.] Speech Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception, Verlag Springer, Berlin et al.

  35. FLANAGAN, James L./ RABINER, Lawrence R. [1973] Speech Synthesis, Verlag Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (USA).
  36. FLETCHER, H. [1953], Speech and Hearing in Communication, Krierger, New York.

  37. GIBBON, Dafydd/ MOORE, Roger/ WINSKI, Richard (eds) [1997] Hanbook of Standards and Ressources for Spoken Language Systems, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York

  38. GRIFFIN, D.W./ LIM, J.S. [1984] Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform, in: IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., vol. 32, No.2, pp.236-243

  39. GRIFFIN, D.W./ DEADRICK, D.S./ LIM, J.S. [1984] Speech synthesis from short-time Fourier transform magnitude and its application to speech processing, in: Proc. Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process.-84, San Diego

  40. HAMON, C./ MOULINES, E./ CHARPENTIER, F. [1989] A diphone synthesis system based on time-domain prosodic modifications of speech, in: Proc. Internat. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process.-89, Glasgow, pp.238-241

  41. HATAZAKI, Kaichiro/ EHSANI, Farzad/ NOGUCHI, Jun/ WATANABE, Takao [1994] Speech dialogue system based on simultaneous understanding, in: Speech Communication, vol.15(3-4), pp.323-330

  42. HESS, Wolfgang [1983], Pitch Determination of Speech Signals. Algorithms and Devices, Verlag Springer, Berlin et al.

  43. HIDANO, M./ ITOH, T/ YAMAMOTO, M./ NAKAGAWA, S. [1995], Spontaneous speech understanding for a dialogue system, in: Proc. ESCA Workshop on Spoken Dialodue Systems, pp.25-28

  44. HORNEGGER, J. [1996] Statistische Modellierung, Klassifikation und Lokalisation von Objekten, Dissertation, Technische Fakultät, Univers. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen

  45. HORNEGGER, J./ NÖTH, E./ NIEMANN, H. [1996] Semantic Network meet Bayesian Classifiers, in: Mustererkennung, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

  46. KASUYA, Hideki/ YANG, Chang-Sheng/ DING, Wen/ LU, Jin-Lin/ MATSUSHITA, Takamitsu [1995] Speech Synthesis Method for Man-Machine Dialogue System and Psychological Evaluation of Synthetic Speech, Departm. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya 321, Japan.

  47. KIESSLING, Andres [1996] Extraktion und Klassifikation prosodischer Merkmale in der automatischen Sprachverarbeitung Diss. der Techn. Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

  48. KOMPE, R./ NÖTH, E./ KIESSLING, A./ KUHN, T./ MAST, M./ NIEMANN, H./ OTT, K./ BATLINER, A. [1988 ] Prosody takes over: Towards a prosodically guided dialogue system, in: speech Communication, vol.15, Nos., 1-2, Oct. 1994, pp.155-167.

  49. KUHN, T. [1995], Die Erkennungsphase in einem Dialogsystem, vol.80 of Dissertationen zur künstlichen Intelligenz, infix Verlag, St. Augustin.

  50. KUHN, R./ DE MORI, R. [1995], The Application of Semantic Classification Trees to Natural Language Understanding, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 17, pp. 449-460

  51. KURTH, Hubert [1997] Radebrecher. Der Verbmobil-Forschungsprototyp in: c't 1997, Heft 7, pp. 108-109

  52. LADEFOGED, Peter [1962] Elements of Acoustic Phonetics, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London

  53. LADEFOGED, Peter [1982] A Course in Phonetics, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego - New York - Chicago et al.

  54. Ders. [1971], Preliminaries to Linguistic Phonetics , The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

  55. Ders. [1982, 2nd ed.], A Course in Phonetics, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego - New York - Chicago et al.

  56. W.A.LEA (ed) [1980], Trends in Speech Recognition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ).

  57. LEVELT, W. [1989] Speaking: From Intention to Articulation, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA)

  58. MA, Changxue/ O'SHAUGHNESSY, Douglas [1994] The masking of narrowband noise by broadband harmonic complex sounds and implications for the processing of spech sounds, in: Speech Communications , vol.14(2), pp.103-118

  59. MacNEILAGE, Peter F.(ed) [1983 ], The Production of Speech, Verlag Springer, New York - Heidelberg - Berlin

  60. MARKEL, J.D./ GRAY Jr, A.H. [1976], Linear Prediction of Speech, Verlag Springer, Berlin et al.

  61. M.MAST [1993], Ein Dialogmodul für ein Spracherkennungs- und Dialogsystem, Vol.50: Dissertationen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz, Infix, St.Agustin.

  62. MBROLA, (MBROLA reads 'EM BROLA'; think of "umbrella"), GOAL : obtain a set a high quality speech synthesizers for as many languages as possible, free of use for non-commercial applications. The ultimate goal is to boost up academic research on speech synthesis, and particularly on prosody generation, known as one of the biggest challenges taken up by Text-To-Speech synthesizers for the years to come. TCTS Lab, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, 31 Bvd Dolez, B-7000 MONS, Belgium.

  63. St.MEHL [1993], Dynamische semantische Netze. Zur Kontextabhängigkeit von Wortbedeutungen, Vol.52: Dissertationen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz, Infix, St.Agustin.

  64. R.S.MICHALSKI et al. (eds.) [1984], Machine Learning. An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Springer, Berlin - New York.

  65. R.S.MICHALSKI et al. (eds.) [1986], Machine Learning. An Artificial Intelligence Approach. Vol.II, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos (CA).

  66. MILLER,Joanne L./ Peter D.EIMAS (eds) [1995] Speech, Language, and Communication, Series: Handbook of Perception and Cognition, Academic Press, San Diego - New York - Boston - et al.

  67. MILLER, Max [1979] The Logic of Language Development in Early Childhood, Springer Series in Language and Communication, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York.

  68. J.L.MORGAN [1986], From simple input to complex grammar, Cambridge (MA).

  69. MORGAN, N,/ BOURLARD, H./ GREENBERG, S./ HERMANSKY, H./ WU, S.-L. [1995], Stochastic Perceptual Models of Spech, in: IEEE Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Detroit, pp.397-400

  70. MOULINES, E./ CHARPENTIER, E. [1990], Pitch Synchronous Waveform Processing Techniques for Text-to-Speech Synthesis Using Diphones, in: Speech Communication vol.9, pp.453-67

  71. MURRAY, Jain R./ ARNOTT, John L. [1995], Implementation and testing of a system for producing emotion-by-rule in synthetic speech, in: Speech Communication vol.16(4), pp.369-90

  72. MURRAY, Jain R./ BABER, Chris/ SOUTH, Allan [1996], Towards a definition and working model of stress and its effects on speech, in: Speech Communication vol.20(1-2), pp.3-12

  73. MURRAY, Jain R./ ARNOTT, John L./ ROHWER, Elizabeth A. [1996], Emotional stress in synthetic speech: Progess and future directions, in: Speech Communication vol.20(1-2), pp.85-91

  74. NAKAGAWA, Seiichi [1995], Recognition/ Understanding of Spontaneous Speech, Dep. of Information and Computer Science, Toyohashi University of Technology, Aichi-ken, 441, Japan

  75. NAKAGAWA, Seiichi/ KAI, A. [1994], A context-free grammar-driven, One-Pass HMM-based continuous speech recognition method, in: Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.25, No.4, pp.92-102

  76. NAKAJIMA; Shin'ya [1994], Automatics Synthesis unit generation for English speech synthesis based on multi-layered context oriented clustering, in: Speech Communications, vol.14(4), pp. 313-324

  77. S.NAUMANN/ J.SCHREPP [1991], DACS: A Model for Learning Syntax, MS, Computational Linguistics, Univers. of Trier, Trier.

  78. NDIAYE, Alassane [1997] Rollenübernahme in einem Dialogsystem,SFB 378 Ressourcenadaptive Kognitive Prozesse, Report 136, Universität des Saarlandes

  79. NDIAYE, Alassane/ JAMESON, Anthony [1995] Predictive Role Taking in Dialogue: Global Anticipation Feedback Based on Transmutability,SFB 314 KI - Wissensbasierte Systeme, Report 128, Universität des Saarlandes

  80. G.NEUMANN [1993], Grammatikformalismen in der Generierung und in der Verarbeitung, in: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol.7, 2/1993, hg. von FB 1 der GI, Interdata Verlag, Katzenelnbogen, pp. 22-30.

  81. H.NIEMANN/ G.SAGERER/ F.KUMMERT/ M.MAST [1995], Repräsentation und Nutzung von Wissen in einem Spracherkennungs- und Dialogsystem, in: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol.9, Juni/Juli 1995, hg. von FB 1 der GI, Interdata Verlag, Katzenelnbogen, pp. 35-41.

  82. H.NIEMANN/ G.SAGERER/ SCHRÖDER, S./ KUMMERT, F. [1990], ERNEST: A semantic network system for pattern analysis, in: IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.9, pp: 883-905.

  83. O'NEILL, Mark A. [1988], Faster than Fast Fourier, in: BYTE April, pp. 293-300

  84. NIIMI, Yasuhisa/ KOBAYASHI, Yutaka [1995], Information Theoretic Modeling and Development of a Spoken Dialog System, Departm. of Electronic and Information Science, Kyoto Inst. of Technology, Kyoto, 606 Japan.

  85. S.NIRENBURG (ed) [1993], Progress in Machine Translation, IOS-Press, Amsterdam - Oxford - Washington DC.

  86. S.NIRENBURG/ J.CARBONELL/ M.TOMITA/ K.GOODMANN (eds) [1992], Machine Translation A knowledge-based approach, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo (California).
  87. NÖTH, Elmar [1991] Prosodische Information in der automatischen Spracherkennung, Niemeyer, Tübingen, Linguistische Arbeiten Nr.259.

  88. O'SHAUGHNESSY, D. [1990] Speech Communication , Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA).

  89. POLLARD, Carl/ SAG, Ivan A. [1994] Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar , Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago.

  90. PORTELE, Thomas/ HEUFT, Barbara [1997] Towards a prominence-based synthesis system, in: Speech Communication, vol.21(1-2), pp.61-72

  91. PREVOST, Scott/ STEEDMAN, Mark [1994] Specifying intonation from context for speech synthesis, in: Speech Communication, vol.15(1-2), pp.139-153

  92. QIAN, Yasheng/ CHAHINE, Gebrael/ KABAL, Peter [1994] Pseudo-multi-tap pitch filters in a low bit-rate CELP speech coder, in: Speech Communication, vol.14(4), pp.339-358

  93. QUILLIAN, M.Ross [1968], Semantic Memory, in: MINSKY, Marvin (ed), Semantic Information Processing, MIT Press, Cambridge, pp: 216-270

  94. L.E.RABINER/ SCHAFER, R.W. [1978], Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Verlag Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey, USA).

  95. L.E.RABINER [1989], A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition, in: Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.77, no.2, pp.257 - 286.

  96. RABINER, Lawrence/ Biing-Hwang JUANG [1993] Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, Signal Processing Series, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs (NJ).

  97. REDDY, D.Raj(ed) [1975] Speech Recognition. Invited Papers presented at the 1994 IEEE Symposium, Verlag: Academic Press, New York - San Francisco

  98. RUSKE, G./ WEIGEL, W. [1986] Automatische Erkennung fließender Sprache auf der Basis von Halbsilben, in: it Informationstechnik, vol. 28, pp. 227-235

  99. RUSKE, G. [1994] Automatische Spracherkennung. Methoden der Klassifikation und der Merkmalsextraktion, R.Oldenbourg, München - Wien.

  100. SATO, Satoshi [1995] Knowledge Acquisition from Dialogue, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, 923-12, Japan

  101. E.SCHUKAT-TALAMAZZINI [1995a], Automatische Spracherkennung Viehweg, Wiesbaden.

  102. Ders. [1995b], Statistische Spracherkennung, in: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol.9 Juni/Juli 1995, hg. von FB 1 der GI, Interdata Verlag, Katzenelnbogen, pp. 7-9.

  103. E.SCHUKAT-TALAMAZZINI/ KUHN, T./ NIEMANN, H. [1994], Speech Recognition for Spoken Dialogue Systems, in: BIEMANN; H./ DE MORI R./ HANRIEDER, G. (eds), Progress and Prospects of Speech Research and Technology, in: Proc. of the CRIM/ FORWISS Workshop, infix Verlag, St. Augustin, pp. 110-120.

  104. SETO, Shigenobu/ KANAZAWA, Hiroshi/ SHINCHI, Hideaki/ TAKEBAYASHI, Yoichi [1994] Spontaenous speech dialogue system TOSBURG II and its evaluation, Speech Communication, vol.15(3-4), pp.341-353

  105. SIMON, J.C. (ed) [1980] Spoken Language Generation and Understanding. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Bonas, France, June 26 - July 7, 1979, Verlag: D.Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht (Holland) - Boston (USA) - London (England)

  106. SPRACH, GOAL : SPeech Recognition Algorithms for Connectionist Hybrids, ESPRIT Long Term Research RTD Project Ref. 20077.

  107. STROHNER, Hans/ DUWE, Ingo/ KESSLER, Klaus [1997], Grounding Mental Models: Subconceptual Dynamics in the Resolution of Linguistic Reference, in: STROHNER, Hans/ DUWE, Ingo (eds), Towards a Cognitive Model of Linguistic Reference, SFB 360, Universität Bielefeld, Reprot 97/1, pp.53-72

  108. STROHNER, Hans/ SICHELSCHMIDT, Lorenz/ DUWE, Ingo/ KESSLER, Klaus [1997], Focus and Conceptual Relations in Resolving Referential Ambiguity, in: STROHNER, Hans/ DUWE, Ingo (eds), Towards a Cognitive Model of Linguistic Reference, SFB 360, Universität Bielefeld, Reprot 97/1, pp.1-24

  109. STRUT, The Speech Training and Recognition Unified Tool (STRUT) has been developed to do research on speech recognition and fast development and testing of related applications. The software is able to do speech analysis, models training and speech recognition. The tool consists in many ``independent'' small pieces of code, one for each of identified module in the process of speech recognition: sampling, feature extraction, clustering, probability estimation, and decoding. TCTS Lab, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, 31 Bvd Dolez, B-7000 MONS, Belgium.

  110. THISL, Thematic Indexing of Spoken Language, ESPRIT Long Term Research RTD Project Ref. 23495. GOAL : show the feasibility of integrating state of the art Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) technologies, towards advanced multimedia applications. In this framework, the project will focus on R&D aimed at retrieving multimedia information (written or spoken text) using a spoken language interface.

  111. TILLMANN, Hans G./ Phil MANSELL [1980] Phonetik. Lautsprachliche Zeichen, Sprachsignale und lautsprachlicher Kommunikationsprozeß, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart.

  112. TISCHER, Bernd [1993] Die vokale Kommunikation von Gefühlen, vol.18 Fortschritte der Psycholog. Forschung, Psychologie Verlags Union, Weinheim.

  113. TOMITA, M. [1986], Efficient Parsing for Natural Language: A Fast Algorithm for Practical Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers

  114. UEHARA, Kuniaki/ TANIGUCHI, Minoru [1995], Understanding and Presentation of Conceptual Information based on Planning, Dep. of Comp. Science and Systems Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe 657, Japan.

  115. VAN SANTEN, Jan/ SPROAT, Richard/ OLIVE, Joseph/ HIRSCHBERG, Julia [1997], Progress in speech Synthesis, Springer.

  116. VELDHUIS, Raymond/ HE, Haiyan [1996] Time-scale and pitch modifications of speech signals and resynthesis from the discrete short-time Fourier transform, in: Speech Communications vol.18, pp.257-279

  117. VerbMobil: Wissenschaftliches Grossprojekt (30 Projektgruppen, 1993-2000) zum Sprachverstehen und zur Sprachgenerierung für den Bereich der Terminabsprachen inklusive Dialog-Verwaltung.

  118. VERHELST, W/ ROELANDS, M. [1993] An overlap-add technique based on waveform similarity (WSOLA) for high-quality time-scale modification of speech, in: Speech Communications vol.18, pp.257-279

  119. WAIBEL, A./ FINKE, M./ GATES, D et al [1996], JANUS-II - Translation of Spontaneous Conversational Speech, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech Signal Process.-93, Minneapolis, pp. II-554-558

  120. WIENHOLT, Willfried [1987] Die sieben Stufen zum digitalen Filter, Teil I, in: 68000er, Sept., pp. 83-86

  121. WIENHOLT, Willfried [1987] Die sieben Stufen zum digitalen Filter, Teil II, in: 68000er, Okt., pp. 94-98

  122. WIENHOLT, Willfried [1987] Die sieben Stufen zum digitalen Filter, Teil III, in: 68000er, Nov., pp. 88-95

  123. WÄNGLER, Hans-Heinrich [1972],Physiologische Phonetik. Eine Einführung, Verlag N.G.Elwert, Marburg (Deutschland)

  124. WERNICKE Projekt A neural Network Based, Speaker Independent, Large Vocabulary, Continuous Speech Recognition System, Esprit Basic Research Project No.6487, Oct 1992 - Oct-1995.

  125. WIGHTMAN, C.W. [1992] Automatic Detection of Prosodic Constituents, PhD thesis, Boston University

  126. YAMAMOTO, Yuji/ IMAICHI, Osamu [1995], An Integrated Robust Parsing of Spontaneous Utterances, Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Inst. of Science and Technology, Nara 630-01, Japan.

  127. YAMAMOTO, K./ NAKAGAWA, S [1995], Comparative evaluation of segmental unit input HMM and conditional density HMM, Proc. Eurospeech'95, pp.1615-1618

  128. YOKOTA, Massao/ SHIRAISHI, Masato/ ODAm Seio/ NISHIMURA, Yasushi [1995], Speech Understanding Driven by Conceptual Information, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.

  129. ZWICKER, E. [1982], Psychoakustik, Verlag Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York