Computing Collisions

AUTHOR: Dr. Gerd Döben-Henisch
FIRST DATE: December 28, 1995
DATE of LAST CHANGE: January 2, 1996

With regard to the computed possible changes the world process has to compute possible collisions between objects and the effect of these collisions for the intended changes.

In the Version 1.0 of the collision algorithm we assume a local world process with time sliced actions in a type A world.

The main tasks of the collision algorithm are the following:
  1. Selecting the static candidates for collisions with a dynamic object.
    • Using the actual position and the actual moving-vector of the dynamic object and determine a searchfield.
    • Select all static objects according to their position with respect to the search-field.
  2. Compute the exact collisions between dynamic object and static candidates.
  3. Selecting dynamic candidates for collisions with a dynamic object.
    • Using the actual position and the actual moving-vector of the dynamic object and determine a searchfield.
    • Select all dynamic objects according to their position and their moving-vector with respect to the search-field.
    • Compute possible collisions by taking into account velocity and geometrical shape
  4. Compute exact collisions.


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