World master process
AUTHOR: Dr. Gerd Döben-Henisch/ Leo Pos/ Thore Swindall
FIRST DATE: December 28, 1995
DATE of LAST CHANGE: January 18, 1996
That, what different world compartments relates one to another, is a virtual 3-dimensional world master space called a universe whith distinguished sections. There exists a world master process which acts like a property agent: if a world compartment asks a world master process for participation in a world process, then will the world master process offer free sections of the universe to the asking world compartment.
We can distinguish the following main functions of a world master process [WMP]:
- The wmp manages the universe of the world process. The universe is a three dimensional space with a finite extension and with a defined scaling. It is a right handed coordinate system and appears from the 'outside' as a cube. The whole universe is regularly divided into smaller cubes which are called sections. A section can be free or occupied.
- If the wmp is running, any world compartment can ask for space in the universe. The wmp will then query the world compartment which of the free sections of the universe it wants. If the wmp can come to a positiv aggreement with the world compartment then will the world compartment be related to certain sections in the universe. The wmp will also tell the world compartment whether he has neighbours or not. Every neighbour has a name and a well defined position.
- Clients which are looking for world compartments to live in can get from the wmp a list of actually registered world compartments. The clients can then try to contact one of these world compartments directly.
- At any time there will probably some sections of the universe be occupied by world compartments and some not. Free sections represent undefined areas with respect to moving objects (knowbots, pseudoknowbots, animals, dynamic worlds). The management of those objects which are leaving a world compartment at a position where is no neighbour has to be done by the world compartments itself.
- At any time can a world compartment cancel its presence. Then will the wmp set the before occupied sections to be free and the wmp will inform all the previous neighbours of the leaving world compartment that this neighbour will not longer be in existence.
Every client which is not in need for a section in the universe but in need for a world compartment (e.g. a house, a skyscraper, a car, a knowbot etc.) and which has already a name/ an address of a world compartment, can try to contact such a world compartment directly without asking the master process.
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