KIP II - A Case Study in Semiotic Machines
(Last changes Febr-22 1996)

The concept of a semiotic machine is a very abstract concept synthesizing the agent approach with a semiotic point of view. Phase II of the Knowbotic Interface Project (KIP II) can be seen as a possible case study in the realization of semiotic machines. Based mainly on philosophical, psychological, and physiological considerations is the intention of KIP II to push forward a formal theory of agents with consciousness which are learning and using a language. These agents are called knowbots, which at the same time will be realized as concrete computer programs. It will be shown how it is possible to establish traditional concepts like `sign', `sign function', `meaning', `pragmatic', and others in the context of a situated selfdirected learning. It will be discussed, whether this approach will give raise to some new results in the field of semiotics or not.


G.DOEBEN-HENISCH [1995], Sprachfähige intelligente Agenten und die Notwendigkeit einer philosophischen Theorie des Bewußtseins. Wissenschaftstheoretische und erkenntnistheoretische Überlegungen, MS INM, (Forthcoming in: GMD-Arbeitsberichte, 1996).

Th.HERRMANN/ J.GRABOWSKI [1994], Sprechen. Psychologie der Sprachproduktion, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg - Berlin - Oxford.

G.KEGEL] [1987, 3. neubearb. u. erw. Aufl.], Sprache und Sprechen des Kindes, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen.

R.OERTER/ L.MONTADA [1982, 2.völlig neu bearb. Aufl. 1987], Entwicklungspsychologie. Ein Lehrbuch, Psychologie Verlags Union, München - Weinheim.

J.L.MILLER/ P.D.EIMAS (eds.) [1995], Speech, Language, and Communication, Academic Press, San Diego - New York - Boston et al.

Ch.W.MORRIS [1938], Foundations of the Theory of Signs, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch
Institut für Neue Medien
D-60314 Frankfurt a.Main

Tel: 0049-(0)69-941963-10
Fax: 0049-(0)69-941963-22


Daimlerstrasse 32, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Tel +49- (0)69-941963-0, Tel-Gerd: +49- (0)69-941963-10