Creativity - Ability to Define Something Well
(Last changes Febr-22 1996)
Semiotic machines are computer aided theories and theories are simulations of some
human "patterns". These "patterns" unterly determined conditions, which constitute
the formal frame of semiotic machines. Computers themselves already underly determined
conditions like differentiation, decision or valence, which generate determined worlds.
Such worlds are specially typified to be well defined systems for description as
well as valence. Well defined systems call for definite decisions. The question
- be asked and discussed - is: is this realistic? Or isn't it rather a long-term process of learning, at whichs
end the ability to define something well is be generated? If it is a long-term process
of learning, which patterns are important to generate well defined discriptions and the ability to decide well.
Gabriele Gramelsberger
Ernst Platz Strasse 65
D-80992 Muenchen

Daimlerstrasse 32, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Tel +49- (0)69-941963-0, Tel-Gerd: +49- (0)69-941963-10