KIP II: Theory of the Object Space
This is a working paper which will probably be rewritten several times in the next
AUTHOR: Dr. Gerd Döben-Henisch
FIRST DATE: February 19, 1996
DATE of LAST CHANGE: March-5, 1996
In the Introduction to KIP II Theory we have postulated a phenomenological point of view as our starting point. This point of view offers us the class of all phenomena D-PHEN, where we localized a special subset D-OBJ is related to the hypothesized outer world, pre-scientifically an euclidean like space filled with objects.
In the document What is an explaining formal Theory? we have outlined the scheme for an explaining formal theory which shall be a guideline for all kinds of theories used in KIP II, especially also in case of the theory related to D-OBJ, called T-OBJ.
For the moment we consider physics as that discipline which is an instance of T-OBJ.
If we are focussing on an euclidean space-time with motions and masses then we are touching the field of (classical) mechanics.
Theory of classical Mechanics
Assumptions related to the domain
Assumptions typical for classical mechanics are the following:
(see FEYNMAN et al. [1963], FLEISCHMANN [1980]).
The set D-OBJ can be described as showing material objects distinguishable by characteristic properties. Besides solid objects we have also fluids and gases.
The objects are organized in a 3 dimensional euclidean space and they can change in time (A good description of the inherent methodological problems by introducing concepts like space and time into physics can be found in the reader [J.AUDRETSCH/ K.MAINZER 1988]).
Descriptive Terms
To speak about the object space one has to introduce descriptive terms
whose references are given by intersubjectively observable qualities and which are connected to standardized objects or events which 'exists' -in a certain sense- independently of the subjective conditions of an observer.
Examples of descriptive terms in mechanics are the length l [m]
of an object related to a concrete standard object in Paris (before 1960), the time t [s], which is coupled to some periodic process, the inertial mass m [kg], which is also related to some standard object in Paris, and the gravitational mass ms [kgs]. These for terms are basic descriptive terms.
Measurement is a mapping from certain qualities of the domain into descriptive statements. We could e.g. state that in area A during timeinterval (ti,ti+c) exists an object x which has the LENGTH of 5.5 m, possibly written as LENGTH(A,(ti,ti+1),x,5.5 m).
Sets of data generated by measurements, we are calling an object protocol.
Formal Theory
In a formal theory we can try to systematize our piecemal knowledge about objects and object properties. By definitions we can introduce derived terms like area A [m2], volume V [m3], velocity v [m/s], acceleration a [m/s2], force F [N], momentum p [Ns], gravitational force Hg [N/kgs], kinetic energy w [1 J],
and others. Then one can try to set up some laws describing the different phenomena.
Instead of such an bottom up approach one can try to define 'top down' some general
formal structures which then can be applied to the intersubjectively observable (i.e.
empirical) phenomena. An exhaustive example can be found in [BALZER 1982]. He gives an example how to describe classical mechanics in a formal theory by putting together the parts geometry, time, and movable particles to function as cinematics. Introducing further mass
and force he is getting classical mechanics.
A similar approach can be found in [LUDWIG 1978], more elaborated than the example
from BALZER, different in details, and with more space devoted to the considerations about epistemological problems regarding the relationship between 'reality', 'observation', and 'mathematical descriptions'.
J.AUDRETSCH/ K.MAINZER (eds) [1988], Philosophie und Physik der Raum-Zeit, BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim - Wien - Zürich.
W.BALZER [1982], Empirische Theorien: Modelle, Strukturen, Beispiele, Fr.Viehweg & Sohn, Braunschweig - Wiesbaden.
R.P.FEYNMAN/ R.B.LEIGHTON/ M.SANDS [1963], The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat. Vol.1, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA).
R.FLEISCHMANN [1980, 2nd. rev. ed.], Einführung in die Physik, Physik Verlag, Weinheim (Germany).
G.LUDWIG [1978b, 2nd. ed.], Einführung in die Grundlagen der Theoretischen Physik, Bd.1, Vieweg, Braunschweig.
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