KIP Computer Simulation

AUTHOR: Dr. Gerd Döben-Henisch
FIRST DATE: December 27, 1995
DATE of LAST CHANGE: February 15, 1996

Within the knowbotic interface project (KIP) will a formal psychological theory be combined with a computer model. The computer model will be called Knowbotic Interface [KInt].

A knowbotic interface [KInt] consists of conscious based agents -called knowbots-, of a at least one world process, and optionally of additional pseudo-knowbots or other autonomous agents.

The scientific relevant subject of the knowbotic interface are the knowbots. These represent computational equivalents to the formal structures made explicit in the formal psychological theory, eventually enriched by empirical subtheories.

The main task of the world process (Jan-29, 96) is to simulate the behavior of a real world process interfaced with his clients by sensory and by action data. The sensory data must allow the construction of world models within the clients for to reconstruct the necessary meaning structures similar enough to the structures used in everyday communication. A world process consists of one ore more world compartments.

A pseudo-knowbot is a virtual body in the world process, which acts under the laws of the world process and is completely controlled by a human user. A pseudo-knowbot looks within the world like a normal knowbot.

Other autonomous agents could be some kinds of animals, some technical devices (Jan-18, 96), or even world compartments like a house, a car, a ship or an airplane.

Besides these mentioned elements there can be divers additional tools for different tasks to smooth the usage of the knowbotic interface, e.g.:
  • world-viewer: Allows a view from above on the world with a zoom-function and object-tracking.
  • object-editor: Allows the visual construction of objects of the virtual interactive worlds where the knowbots live in.
  • world-editor: Allows the visual construction of virtual interactive world accompanied with some general world functions. The objects are taken from an object-editor.
Because the knowbots, the pseudoknowbots, and possibly other agents have to communicate in a network environment, we did in the beginning of KIP II some evaluation of different network architectures. The result is given in the paper Evaluation of some Network Architectures for KIP II (Febr-12,96). There we had to accept that our KIP I network architecture was the worst architecture of all we had investigated. KIP II will do better.

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Daimlerstrasse 32, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Tel +49- (0)69-941963-0, Tel-Gerd: +49- (0)69-941963-10