Events/ Workshops
(Last changes Aug 25, 1997)
- The Knowbot-Group is an invited guest of the Bankakademie (Frankfurt) at Cebit HOME'98 (Halle 4, Stand C12, 26.-30.8.1998). We will show a Prolog-Java-based Operating System for artificial brains using the INM-NEURON. These Neurons will be part of the next generation of INM-KNOWBOTs.
Expo-Day July 10 1997 at the INM in Frankfurt (with official representativs of the Expo 2000; invited guests only).
- Mai-Juli 1997: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING AGENTS für Philosophen/ Psychologen/ Linguisten/ Soziologen/ Informatiker
- 3-day workshop Space Invaders. Making the Invisible Visible. Internet design seen from a meta-science point of view at Hochschule für Gestaltung (Offenbach) April 28-30 1997, Gerd Döben-Henisch invited by Prof. Constanze Ruhm
- During the Hannover Trade Faire April 14-19 1997 we showed as partners of the Expo2000 a new Knowbot-Demonstrator in hall 18 as part of the theme-park 'Neuro Goes Business'. We used a 3D-model of downtown Frankfurt as the environment of two knowbots demonstrating their ability to learn any linguistic descriptions.
- During t the congress Der Deutsche Schmerztag 1997 there was an exhibition where we showed a new Video about the knowbots and their ability to perceive pain , Febr 21-22 1997, Frankfurt, Hotel Intercontinental.
- Nov 11-16 1996 INM-Stand mit Knowbots auf der Ausstellung Frankfurt - Stadt der Wissenschaften, Haus des Kunstvereins, Römerplatz. G.Doeben-Henisch ist 'vor Ort' Mo, Di, Do 14.00 - 17.00 Uhr, So 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr.
July-29 1996 Knowbot-Tag/ Knowbot-Day in the INM (Frankfurt, Germany). Some Background-Information can be found in The INM-Knowbot Story. The text-version of the evening-speech of Gerd is not yet available. But you can download the Demo-Applet
Nov-3 untill Nov-12 '95,
Luxemburg-City (Luxembourg)
Aug-27 1995, Design Horizonte, Frankfurt(Germany)
June 20-24 1995, ars electronica, Linz (Austria)

Daimlerstrasse 32, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.
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