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Mediahub TIMES (1999 ? 2002)

"TIMES - Telecommunication, Information technology, Multimedia, Entertainment, Security Services"
Incubator for commercial Spin-Offs and Start-Ups of the new economy

With the appearance of the "New Economy" the INM evolves into a experimental laboratory of "New Media Applications" for the TIMES (Telecommunication, Information Technology, Multimedia, Entertainment, Security Services) markets.

Concept and logo Mediahub Daimlerstraße

Logo and concept Mediahub "Lagerfeuer der Screenager" (1999 - 2002)

After a little while economical projects were dominating the everyday life of the institute and the INM emerges as an incubator for commercial acting Spinn-Offs.

-  1996 "inm-numerical magic gesellschaft für neue medien mbh" (inm-magic) in the field of worldwideweb and internet services, e-business, e-consulting and application service providing existent until 2006;
-  1999 "INM-Network GmbH" holding of the inm-group with own business area administration, business development strategy, marketing and research existent until 2001;
-  1999 "ip23 Gesellschaft für IP basierte Dienstleistungen mbH" in the field of internet protokoll billing bolutions existent until 2001;
-  1999 "Knowbotic Systems GmbH" in the field of intelligent software solutions existent until 2002

At the location in the Daimlerstraße 32 the INM became the heart of the "Mediahub Daimlerstraße" and the moderator at the "Lagerfeuer der Screenager" ("Campfire of the Screenager").

Extracts out of activity reports of the INM-Institute for New Media:
-  1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002

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